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Steelmaking Industry

Systems Spray-Cooled technology provides a SAFER, more environmentally friendly, more operationally and maintenance reliable alternative to extreme steelmaking heat load applications. With over 30 years of continuing application development and improvement and hundreds of successful installations worldwide, Systems offers a complete line of steel mill applications for aggressively high heat load equipment, including:

Spray-Cooled™ Capabilities Brochure

Overview of Systems Spray-Cooled, our division that supplies furnace water-cooling systems for the steelmaking industry, primarily electric arc furnaces. Learn how Spray-Cooled™ technology decreases furnace maintenance costs while increasing reliability.

EAF Steep Cone Roof Video

Improving furnace reliability while decreasing and easing maintenance requirements, providing safer working conditions in a cleaner steelmaking environment, reducing the cost of spare parts inventories while extending the service life of the equipment, and providing for more production with less energy – Systems Spray-Cooled equipment is “Staying Cool in a Hot Business”.

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